Rockwood City Hall: 32409 Fort Road Rockwood, MI 48173 | Phone: (734) 379-9496


Your Department Administrator

Water & Sewer Rates

Water: $7.66 per 1000 gallons

Sewer: $6.82 per 1000 gallons

Administration Hours:
Monday - Thursday

8AM to 4PM

Closed Friday

Phone: (734) 379-9496
Fax: (734) 379-9270

Rockwood Logo
Director of Public Works
Robert Boron

Welcome to the Public Services Department

Director Boron would like to welcome you to the City of Rockwood and looks forward to serving the community to improve the quality of life for all residents and visitors.


Wayne County Hotline

Complaint Investigations/24-Hour Hotline

Wayne County Department of Environment (WCDOE) maintains a telephone "hot line" (888-223-2363) to log and coordinate response to environmental concerns of all types. The WQMD routinely receives and responds to pollution complaints from citizens, County agency staff and/or local communities either directly in our office (734-224-3936) or via referrals from the WCDOE Hotline.

WQMD Complaint Investigation services include an initial site visit, repeat site visits and investigation, water quality sampling as appropriate, technical assistance and education, record review, complaint tracking and reporting, and follow-up leading to the elimination of verified illicit discharges.
